Guaranteed SEO Services

SEO Services by Guaripete Solutions
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Search Engine Optimization Services | Servicio de Optimización SEO

Search engine optimization is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic rather than direct traffic or paid traffic | La optimización de motores de búsqueda es el proceso de mejorar la calidad y la cantidad del tráfico del sitio web a un sitio web o una página web desde los motores de búsqueda. El SEO apunta al tráfico no pagado en lugar del tráfico directo o pago.

Basic Optimization and Indexing | Optimización Básica e Indexado

Starting at $499.99*

We can help your Business Website appear on the First Page of Organic Results on the main Internet Search Engines, by performing the following tasks:

  • Optimization of Meta Descriptions, Images and Tags
  • Sitemap creation and properly Inclusion on Google and BING Data Bases**
  • Geo Targeting
  • Business Directories setup
  • Google Analytics setup

* Up to 5 Pages Website

** Yandex and Baidu also available


Facebook Google Ads Management by Guaripete Solutions
SEO Strategy

Google Facebook and Instagram Ads Management | Manejo de Publicidad en Google Facebook e Instagram

Starting at $99.99*

We can help your Business Website appear on the First Page of Paid Results on the main Internet Search Engines and Social Media Platforms, by performing the following tasks:

  • Facebook Business profile setup
  • Google AdSense profile setup
  • Facebook audiences management
  • Facebook Catalog setup
  • Facebook Instagram Ads design and launch*
  • Google Ads design and launch*

* Up to one Campaign



Contact Us / Contáctenos

We do not make/receive cold calls, we rather prefer email-whatsapp-sms-telegram text contact and move as fast as possible on providing our best results / Nosotros no hacemos ni recibimos llamadas de mercadeo, preferimos el contacto via email o texto de whatsapp-SMS-Telegram para así proporcionar nuestros mejores resultados en el menor tiempo posible

White Hat SEO Techniques is a Paramount 

commitment in Guaripete Solutions

Juan Rodulfo

Our Webmaster SEO work is based on Google Webmaster guidelines, and you can take a look inside Google, about their professionals impressions of what Google service represent, as the main Internet Search Engine in the world.

How Google Search Works

How Google Works. Google's search engine is a powerful tool.  What sets Google apart is how it ranks search results, which in turn determines the order Google displays results on its search engine results page (SERP). Google uses a trademarked algorithm called PageRank, which assigns each Web page a relevancy score.

Cómo funciona Google. El motor de búsqueda de Google es una herramienta poderosa. Lo que distingue a Google es cómo clasifica los resultados de búsqueda, lo que a su vez determina el orden en que Google muestra los resultados en la página de resultados de su motor de búsqueda (SERP). Google utiliza un algoritmo de marca registrada llamado PageRank, que asigna a cada página web una puntuación de relevancia.

What means Webmaster

A webmaster  is someone who creates and manages the content and organization of a website, manages the computer server and technical programming aspects of a website or does both. Companies advertising for a webmaster vary in their use of the term.

Un webmaster es alguien que crea y gestiona el contenido y la organización de un sitio web, gestiona el servidor informático y los aspectos técnicos de programación de un sitio web o ambos. Las empresas que anuncian un webmaster varían en el uso del término.

What is Data Highlighter

Google Search Console is a web service by Google Formerly Google Webmasters which allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimize visibility of their websites. Until May 20, 2015 the service was called Google Webmaster Tools.

Google Search Console es un servicio web de Google, anteriormente Google Webmasters, que permite a los webmasters comprobar el estado de indexación y optimizar la visibilidad de sus sitios web. Hasta el 20 de mayo de 2015, el servicio se llamaba Google Webmaster Tools.

Index on Google

An index is another name for the database used by a search engine. It contains information on all the websites the search engine was able to find.

Index on BING/Yahoo!

If a website is not in a search engine’s index, users will not be able to find it using that search engine. Search engines regularly update their indexes.

Webmaster Tools

There are several features that the Google Webmaster Tools offers that allow its users to improve their websites presence on the Google Search Results, leaving behind the competence, such as: International Targeting and the most important Data Highlighter Tool, which lets Highlight your Articles, Products, Contact Data, Pictures and more.

Google Analytics

Once your website is properly Indexed in Google by Guaripete Solutions SEO Services, you will have total access to the Google Analytics reports.

Traffic Data

Google Analytics is a freemium web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google launched the service in November 2005 after acquiring Urchin. Google Analytics is now the most widely used web analytics service on the Internet.


Bing and Yahoo are now (mostly) sharing their search functions and further integration will occur over the next several months. This combination has resulted in a 25% Market Share of the Search landscape for Bing/Yahoo!

Advantages of a Properly SEO Strategy

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